where cider meets condensed milk
Thursday, September 21, 2006
Are this news?
Old news, but still news. Besty somehow convinced a newspaper reporter to interview our clique at an international villa back in February. In Okayama, gaijin hanging out with each other ARE NEWS. Let's stay together, yeah, yeah, YEAH! I am proud to say that I am quoted saying things I didn't exactly say. Example:

Reporter Trained At Journalism School of Leading Questions: So, you are really interested in Japanese culture, aren't you?
Miss Rachel: Um, okay...I like onsens.
RTAJSoLQ:Ah! So you say you spend much of your time studying the traditional ancient art of Japanese bathhouse! And flower arranging. Sumo?
MR: ...um... I like to be clean...

And so it went. I am not exactly a poster child for the traditional culture of this country: ikebana bores me, I've never worn a kimono, can't speak keigo, am picky about Japanese food, don't bother with Japanese music in any form, and am more fond of the modern spa-world bathhouses than the ones with traditional 100-year-old floaty things swirling in the water. (But I do like kaitenzushi and Shinkansen, and enjoy my secluded life with the nice Kamogawan townspeople just fine.)

On the left, Vicky and Rach2 and I are admiring the exotic foreign cuisine like the hip, international socialites that we pretend to be. Bob-san is grating Toblerone for his famous mousse au chocolat, while hiding his combini Sake Cup behind his back. Sarah-yaki is squeezing fresh lemons and crumbling imported feta over lentils, while inevitably declaring, "And I call this Poop Soup!" (Are this culture?) On the right, Bec, DJ Herbal and I are arranged in faux conversation, lamenting the fact that we have not showered since touch rugby practice. This actually is the 2nd time I got my picture in the paper this year, unshowered and post-rugby, which leads me to believe that I should give up the onsen habit, be sweaty all the time, and fall into the lap of fame. Yes, friends, this are news.
posted by Raychaa @ 11:28 PM  
  • At 4:37 PM, Blogger Bob said…

    Nice photo - I'd recognise that beard and beret anywhere. But not on the same person. That would be creepy.
    Erm, I didn't make mousse that time. It was pork and mango salad all the way! (or just mango salad for those damn hippie vegos)

  • At 2:49 AM, Blogger Chris C said…

    This are BIG NEWS!

    At least it is in my saturated-with-low-quality-American-sitcoms life.

    Why is there no shouting in your shoutbox?

    How is WagonRrrr these days?

    There was a storm here yesterday and they talked on the news of roads being blocked by trees and such, and I laughed, thinking, "yes, but the whole Northern end of the prefecture isn't cut off from civiliation- you people don't know you're born!".

    Thus ends communication from the world of the disjointed and confused.

    Love and bibimba,

    (Yes! This are Bae-Yon!)

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Name: Raychaa
About Me: “No man, not even a doctor, ever gives any other definition of what a nurse should be than this - 'devoted and obedient'. This definition would do just as well for a porter. It might even do for a horse. It would not do for a policeman.” (Florence Nightingale)
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